Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bikini Tapa / ビキニ タパ

This morning I was scheduled for my annual physical which means I could not eat or drink anything except water until afterwards.  So you can imagine that I was quite hungry after leaving the clinic.  I was thinking either burger or ramen today but since I was at Mark City in Shibuya, there was a restaurant that I had been curious about.  That would be this Spanish / Catalonian place called [Bikini Tapa].  It was 11:00am and they had just opened for lunch.  I was checking out their menu and found that it wasn't too expensive so I decided to treat myself here today.
I ordered their cerdo a la plancha con lentejas which would be a grilled pork roast with lentils.  The entree includes a salad and pintxos (toasted bread with topping).  For lunch you can choose either potato salad or chicken liver pate for your pintxos.  For a little extra, I also ordered the soup which was a cold potato potage.  The salad was topped with a vinaigrette dressing.  The main dish is also served with rice pilaf.  As it was still fairly early in the morning I only had water to drink with my meal.

今日の午前中は僕の健康診断の日でした。もちろん診断前は食べ物や水以外は口にしちゃ駄目なんで、検診が終わったらもちろん腹減ってますよ。何食べようか迷ってたよ。バーガーにするか、ラーメンにするか。でも今日はマークシティに居るから、この建物の中の飲食店をちょっと探索。前にもちょっと気になってた店がありました。それはスペイン・カタラン料理店の「ビキニ・タパ」。ちょうど開店の時間だったし、メニューを見ると、ランチセットもそんなに高くはなかった。メニューの写真も美味しそうに見えたんで、昼食はここに決定! 注文したのは豚肩ロースの鉄板焼きレンズ豆の煮込み。ピンチョス、サラダ、ピラフ付です。ピンチョスはパンになにか乗せた料理。ランチでポテトサラダか鶏レバのピンチョスが選べられる。レバはあんまり好きじゃないので、ポテトサラダのピンチョスにした。あとプラス100円位でスープも頼みました。冷えたポテトのポタージでした。まだ朝だったし、飲み物はお冷だけで。

Today's lunch menu (sorry the picture is blurry but I didn't have my regular digital camera with me, all pics were taken with my cell phone).


Main dish (doesn't that just look delicious?) / 今日のメインディシュ(美味しそうでしょう?)

The salad, pintxos, and soup / サラダ、ピンチョスとスープ

Pintxos with potato salad / ポテトサラダのピンチョス

Chilled potato potage / 冷えたポテトのポタージ

Rice pilaf / ピラフ

I'm going to have to come back and try some of these other pintxos.


Bon Appetit!


1 comment:

Rurousha said...

My annual health check was also earlier this week, at 11:30. Awkward time because you can't eat anything all morning.

Oh well, at least it didn't include a barium test this year. Ever had that? Ugh!

PS: Those beans look great! ^^