Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nha Viet Nam / ニャー ヴェトナム

And yet another food post.  My friends and I went to this Vietnamese restaurant located in the PARCO department store after our hanami. We were going to go to one of our usual places - La Boheme but that place was crowded and we didn't want to wait.  Okay, the food here wasn't bad - it just didn't seem particularly Vietnamese.  Nothing hot and spicy, no overt scent of fish sauce, even the bahn xeo tasted rather bland (or it could be the fact that I'm not a big fan of bean sprouts which this has a lot of). This seems to be one of those ethnic restaurants that adjust the flavor for the Japanese appetite.  We also had some stir-fried veggies and sauteed beef and garlic tops (which I rather enjoyed).

食べ物ネタがつづく。花見がおわってから行ったベトナム料理店「ニャー ヴェトナム」渋谷PARCO店。いつもののパターンなら渋谷の「ラ・ボエム」に行くはずですが、この日、ボエムは凄い込んでて、待ち時間もちょっと長すぎるから、別の店を選んだ。料理は良かったけどなんだかベトナム料理という感じはしなかった。多分日本人に合わせる様な味で提供してるベトナム料理かも。辛さも足りないし、ナンプラの香りもない、たのだバインセオも普通(ま、自分はもやしそんなに好きじゃないので、ここのバインセオはもやしのオムレットみたいな感じだった。

Sauteed beef with garlic tops / 牛肉とにんにくの芽の炒め

Stir-fried veggies / 野菜の炒め

Bahn Xeo / バインセオ

Bon Appetit!


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