Monday, April 30, 2012

il Pizzaiolo / イル ピッツァイオーロ

And now back to a favorite subject of mine - checking out new places to eat.  When I was hospitalized for my wrist injury and being fed a balanced diet for diabetics, I was craving me some pizza!  I told Mikako once I get out of the hospital, I want to go out for pizza.  Well, we didn't go immediately, but the following week I suggested going to the little Italian restaurant behind the Carrot Tower in Sangenjaya.  I was going to get my pizza, while Mikako would be satisfied with some pasta.

今回は僕の大好きなネタに戻りますよ。それはもちろん初めて行った飲食店。 手首の骨折で入院中糖尿食しか食べてなかったので、ピザが凄い食べたくなった。嫁に退院したら、ピザ食べに行きたいと言った。退院直後じゃないですけど、やっと僕の願いが叶いました。三軒茶屋のキャロットタワーの裏に小さなイタリアン料理店「イル・ピッツァイオーロ」に行きました。前から気になってた店です。やっとピザが食べられる!美香子はピザよりパスタのほうだな。

The first item we were served was some bread.


These vegetables are included with either the pasta or pizza plate  Very delicious.  I think I prefer this more than a salad.


I ordered myself the Salsicha e radicchio pizza.  That would be sausage with greens and mozzarella cheese!

僕が注文したのは“サルシッチャ エ ラディッキオ”(自家製ソーセージ、トレヴィス、モッツァレッラチーズ)。

Mikako ordered the seafood pasta.  


Bon Appetit!



Rurousha said...

I will contend until the day I die that pizza = perfect food, and never mind the metabo.

How's your wrist? Healing well? No discomfort? Practising weights with super-large beer cans? :)

Aomori Ern said...

There's nothing like a pizza to get your mind off your injuries.

The wrist is healing well. The operation left a gruesome scar which my sister suggests covering with Vitamin E. I told her I kind of like the zombie look.

Rurousha said...

Gruesome scar? Oh, no, it's great! Imagine the stories you could tell: you fought off a great white shark, you got injured during ninja training, all 20 volumes of the Oxford Unabridged fell on you. :D