Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sancha de Daidogei with Performer Parts / 三茶de大道芸 パフォーマー・パーツと一緒

While my friends and I were eating and drinking, the street performer named Parts was nearby so I went and had my picture taken with him.  His act is moving in slow motion.  It doesn't seem like he's moving at all.  He was on television a few times testing his skills against a security camera that detects the slightest movement.  He lost.  Another challenge was another device that detects any movement.  He lost to that one too.  And the third challenge I saw him do on television was to walk 5 meters across a "nightingale" floor without making any sound.  Although he walked about a meter without a sound, he still lost that challenge too.  Still, I told him I was rooting for him and awaiting to watch his next challenge.


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