Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cafe Lotta / カフェロッタ

Now that I have finished writing about our Hawaiian vacation and mother-in-law's visit, it's time to revert back to my regular posts featuring cafes, restaurants, and other neighborhoods I've walked around.  Today, my wife and I along with our friends decided to have some desserts at this cute little cafe near Shoin Jinja in Wakabayashi.  We all ordered the dessert plate which includes a choice of two desserts.  However, when we were brought our orders, we were given an extra dessert!  Lucky!!

さて、マウイ島旅行と義理の母のデートのネタが書き終わりましたので、通常のネタに戻ります。いろんな場所の散歩、食べに行ったカフェやレストランなど。今回は世田谷線の松陰神社前駅の近くにあるカフェ・ロッタを紹介します。このカフェの手作りデザートは絶品です。 私たちはデザートプレイとを注文しました。デザートメニューから2種類が選べられる。でもプレイとが運ばれた時、もう一つのデザートもあった。今日運が良い!

Green Tea and Azuki Cheesecake, Tiramisu, Chestnut Tart


White Chocolate Cheesecake, Mixed Berry Cheesecake, Apple Tart


Gateau Chocolat, Cheesecake, Chestnut Tart


Interior of the second floor / 二階の店内

It was raining when we were at the cafe, this is a view of the street from the 2nd floor.


Our friends, Yukio and Reiko (unforunately, they are no longer together)

友達の幸男とれいこ (残念ながら、この一ヶ月後くらいで別れた)

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