Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gorilla Ramen / ゴリララーメン

Before we headed off to the Parasite Museum, we decided to eat lunch first.  And Meguro is a popular spot for ramen.  Heck, there's about ten different ramen shops all along this one road.  We decided on a place that served miso ramen called [Gorilla Ramen].


Tokusei Miso Ramen / 特製味噌ラーメン

This shop features a lunch time service where you can choose from three different items - a small bowl of rice or extra vegetables or you can choose to have your ramen just a tad spicier. You can guess which service me and my wife chose. A nice thick and flavorful miso-based soup. Medium sized noodles. A couple of slices of char-shu. The noodles are also topped with a poached egg, green onions, bean sprouts, corn and a slice of seaweed.

ここにランチタイムサービスがあります。次の三つの中から一つのアイテムが選ばれます。①小ライス ②野菜増 と ③ラーメンをスパイシーにする。私と私の妻はもちろんラーメンをもっとスパイシーを選んだ。スープは濃く見えれかもしりませんですが凄いこってりではない。麺は中太麺でラーメンのトッピングに柔らかいチャーシュー、半熟たまご、ねぎ、もやし、コーンと海苔。

Bon Appetit!


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