One of the stylish ships you can tour on Lake Ashinoko.
To tell you the truth, I still haven't taken this tour though.
実はと言うと、この船も芦ノ湖も行ったことなかった。芦ノ湖まで来ましたが、まだこの船には乗ってませんね。Next stop - Hakone Shrine
次の目的地 ‐ 箱根神社Walking up the stairs to the actual shrine.
箱根神社はこの階段を上った所にある。It may look like a long walk, but looks can be deceiving.
距離が長く見えますが、そうでもなかった。Hakone Shrine / 箱根神社
Just love the dragon spouting water / 口が出てる龍カッコいいね
Lots of big trees around Hakone Shrine as well / 箱根神社の周りにこういう大きいな木もいっぱいあります
There are smaller shrines on the grounds as well, this one is shrine to Benzaiten - one of the Seven Lucky Gods
弁財天社もありました。Part of tree from Lake Ashinoko / 芦ノ湖の「かけら木」
From Hakone Shrine, we passed by this temple which I forgot the name of. My friend, Endo-san said it was like the Byodo-in of Hakone (the Byodo-in being the building that's printed on the back of a ten yen coin).
One last look at Lake Ashinoko before heading back to Mishima so we could catch our bus back to Shibuya.
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