Sunday, January 2, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR / 明けましておめでとう

A Happy New Year everyone. I will continue to write posts about my life in Tokyo, along with the books I've read, the movies I've watched, concerts I've been to, the festivals I attend and whatever else comes to mind. This year is the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese Horoscope and since I was born on the Year of the Rabbit, I'm hoping I will have a great year this year (not that last year was a bad one or anything and I still have a few more posts to write about). Please join me again this year.

新年明けましておめでと!今年も宜しくお願い致します。今年も東京人生、観た映画、読んだ本、参戦したライブ、参加した祭りなどを書き続きます!今年の干支はうさぎ年ということで、私はなんと年男だ。なんか良いことある年になる予感がする。去年は悪い年でもなかったがと去年のネタもちょっと残ってますし。) 今年も付き合って下さいませ。

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