Oops, I had meant to take a picture of the name of this place, but took a picture of the red lantern which says "Sake Dokoro", which means this is a place to drink! You see, a co-worker invited me out one evening after work and took me to this izakaya in Nakameguro called [Gen]. My wife was going to join me but I ended up working overtime that particular day, so it was just me and my co-worker. It's been a while since I've gone out for just drinks, food and talk. Nothing like good food and good company. But of course, what makes these places great is the food!
A main staple of izakaya cuisine - hiya yakko (that's tofu topped with bonita flakes, ginger and onions, and then add a bit of soy sauce) / 居酒屋の定番 ‐ 冷奴
Chicken skewers & chicken hearts / 焼き鳥とハーツ
Tripe soup / もつ煮
This was interesting - it was listed as guts on the menu. It was actually quite tasty!
Ham cutlets / ハムカツ
Whole roasted garlic, more U.S. restaurants should have this on the menu!
Green peppers / シシトウ
More green peppers / とういうよりシシトウとピーマンの違いは何だろ?
Onions / ねぎ
Tomatoes - I luv tomatoes! / 冷やしトマト ‐ 大好きやねん!
Haha - I went out drinking and forgot to take pictures of booze. Well, I only had beer and Hoppy but I guess I will have to fill you all in on Hoppy another time. Bon Appetit!
ははっ - 飲みに行ったのに、酒の写真一切撮ってなかった。ま~、飲んだのはビールとホッピー。ビールは普通ですけど、また今度ホッピーという酒を紹介します。いただきます!
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