I know it's been quite a while since I wrote about a Japanese microbrew, but that doesn't mean I've given up on my goal of trying a craft beer from all 47 Prefectures. As we were at Lake Kawaguchi, a small stand was advertising the first ever craft beer to be sold in Yamanashi Prefecture. I have no idea how I'm supposed to spell this in English, but in romaji it would be spelt kuraruherusu. Anyway, a nice light and fruity beer, close to a weizen style.
長い間日本の地ビールは紹介してなかったんですね。でもまだまだ47の都道府県の地ビールを飲む企画はつづいてますよ。先週は山梨県の河口湖で紅葉祭りを楽しみながら、一つの店の看板に「甲斐ドラフト生ビール クラールヘルス」を発見。どうやら山梨で一番最初に発売した地ビールも書いてあった。飲むしかないでしょう。軽くってちょっとフルーティな感じがする。ヴァイッツェンに近い味です。美味しい!
Oh yeah, I did have another craft beer from Yamanashi Prefecture. That would have been the Fujizakura Heights Rauch beer that I had at the Furusato Shibuya Festival. I suppose I shall add that to this post as well.
Perhaps I will go in search of a few more craft beers over the weekend.
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