Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tokyo Tour Guide the Second / 東京案内人 第二段

Friday, May 28. Another day off for me and it is Bryan's last full day in Tokyo. Once again, we will be touring Tokyo and hitting the spots that was on his intinerary but haven't checked out yet. On my work days, he traveled on his own to Seiseki Sakuragaoka, Kawasaki, Kamakura, Enoshima, and Disneyland / Disney Sea. That's a lot of traveling. Today's plan. One spot that wasn't on his list but I said he shouldn't miss out on - the Tokyo Tower. Then we would check out Zojoji Temple, the Imperial Palace and Yasukuni Shrine. My wife would meet up with us in the afternoon as we plan on having lunch in Ikebukuro at the Gyoza Stadium. If we still have time, we'll head back to Akihabara where Bryan missed out on a couple of game shops he wanted to check out - Media Land and Sofmap.


Tokyo Tower / 東京タワー

Monument to the dogs left at the South Pole from "Nankyoku Monogatari" / 何極で残された犬たちの記念碑

View of the Tokyo Sky Tree from the Tokyo Tower / 東京タワーから見える東京スカイツリー

View of Odaiba and the Rainbow Bridge / お台場とレインボーブリッジ

Carrot Tower in the background / 奥にあるのはキャロットタワー

View towards Shinjuku / 新宿方面の眺め

View from the Look Down Window / ルックダウンウィンドーからの眺め

Art Shot / 芸実風

Zojoji Temple with the Tokyo Tower in the background / 増上寺と東京タワー

There were a lot of students at the Tokyo Tower so I guess it must be shugaku ryoko (school trip season). We then checked out the Zojoji Temple which is located close by. Then we hopped on a subway to head to the Imperial Palace.

東京タワーが学生でいっぱい。もしかして、今は修学旅行の季節かな? 東京タワーを探索したあと、近くの増上寺に行きました。次は地下鉄に乗って、皇居の近い駅日比谷に行きました。

Nijubashi at the Imperial Palace / 皇居にある二重橋

We were also within walking distance of the Diet Building so we headed there to get a good picutre.


Diet Building / 国会議事堂

The last tourist attraction to check out before lunch is Yasukuni Shrine.


Yasukuni Shrine / 靖国神社

I shall feature the Gyoza Stadium on the nextg post.


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