Last dinner of the year 2009. During the day we went to Yushima Tenjin (as mentioned in a previous post). It was really cold that day, so after going to the shrine, we decided to head straigt home. Mikako suggested going to a yakiniku restaurant for dinner. As this being the start of the New Year Holidays, a lot of places were closed but we decided to take a chance (and the restaurant being located nearby), off we went. It was open!! The name of the restaurant is Taijuen. We had been here before and really enjoyed it. The 2000yen course is a bargain for the amount of food you get served. We were prepared this time so we ate a little bit of everything. Last time we ate almost all that was served as it came to our table, and was about to leave when the waiter said the course wasn't over! This is the complete menu for the 2000yen course: Assorted kimchee platter, sunny lettuce with dressing, salted beef tongue, roast, pork wrap, kalbi (not sure of the English equivalent), assorted offal platter, vegetables, beef tongue marinated in red wine, and a Korean pasta-like dish called chop-chay - similar to the Chinese chop suey.
2009年最後の夕飯。昼間は湯島天神にお参りしまたが、以前のネタで話しました。あの日は凄く寒くて、お参りした後はまっすぐ家に帰ることにした。美香子の提案で夕飯はうちの近くの焼肉屋ならどう? お正月の休みが始まったばっかりで、結構休んでる店が多いけど行ってみた。良かったことに店は営業してました。店の名前は「太樹苑」。以前もこの店に来たことある。その時お得なコースを選んで、でてくる料理はすぎからすぎを食べて、満腹になって帰ろうと思ったら店員がコースが終わってませんよと言われた。今回はちょっと学習して、サラダとか他の前菜は全て食べないことにした。それで今回も2000円コースを選びました。このコースを選ぶとこうゆうメニューになります:
前菜:キムチ盛り合わせ / 味付サニーレタス
Most of my American friends are not big fans of offal (not to my knowledge anyway) and today's offering was senmai, giara, and hatsu which are stomach, intestines (tripe), and beef heart. The stomach lining looked like it has fish scales but was quite delicious. Heart doesn't taste too different from liver. The tripe was too chewy and rubbery for me, so I couldn't finish it. We were getting pretty full by this time, but there was yet another meat dish to come.
Mikako was quite full by this time and only had two pieces (which left more for me). Of course I wouldn't let the kalbi go to waste. It's one of my favorite dishes at any yakiniku restaurant.
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