Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Walk around Yushima / 湯島の散歩

Actually, we didn't walk around this neighborhood. We had a specific goal in mind. That being Yushima Shrine, commonly known as Yushima Tenjin. This shrine is well-known for being the "Shrine to Education", so a lot of students will come here to pray to pass their school exams, entrance exams, and others. As Mikako's nephew is a jukensei (he will be taking his high school entrance exams), we went to pray for his success by writing on an ema and we also bought him a good-luck talisman which we will send to him tomorrow.


One of the entrances to Yushima Tenjin / 湯島天神の一つの入口

Yushima Tenjin / 湯島天神

Prayer Board / 絵馬

Prayer for Mikakos' nephew's success in passing his high school entrance exam.

One section of Prayer Boards / 絵馬が飾った場所はいっぱいありました

Set we bought for Mikako's nephew

美香子の甥っ子に買ってあげたお守りセット - 頑張れ受験生!

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