Thursday, December 31, 2009
A Walk around Yushima / 湯島の散歩
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
End of the Year Party at [Jinnan Ken] / 神南軒で忘年会
Its kind of difficult to take a picture of a restaurant thats located on the 9th floor of a building. We had a private room for our "End of the Year Party" and by "we", I mean me and my friends. We had a course meal with an all-you-can-drink bar.
Our reservation was for two hours. We then moved the party to the outside terrace on the roof but I unfortunately seemed to have deleted the pictures I took when we were there. We were to spend another hour at the restaurant but it started to rain so we had to call it an evening...or so you would think. Nope, although our numbers dwindled, some of us went to a karaoke bar where we spent another hour or so singing our heads off. And then did we call it a night? No, now are number dwindled down to four - me and Mikako, and our friends Hama and Na-chan. We went to a 24hr yakitori place and had a couple more drinks along with some yakitori of course. Next month, it will be the season for the "New Year Party".
Monday, December 28, 2009
This Year's Christmas Cake / 今年のクリスマスケーキ
We also had some Chameri as well (this is a sparkling drink with no alcohol).
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Informal Farewell Party / インフォーマルな送別会
Thank you to all who came!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Soba Shop [Yabu Chu] / そば処「やぶ忠」
This is the first part of the yoizen set. You grill the goose meat along with the onions and green peppers. To the right is the sashimi konnyaku (which is also called devil's tongue, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam - I admit I found this out by looking it up on the net), and to the bottom left is the soba miso. I usually despise konnyaku but when you add the soba miso to the konnyaku I hate to say it, but it was quite delicious - and it's healthy as well.
Next comes the seiro soba. I've eaten my fill of seiro and zaru soba but I found the seiro at this shop to be one of the best I've tried so far. The soba is handmade at the store and has a springy texture to it, not chewy like some other places. In case you're wondering, the broth for the soba is underneath the plate filled with onions and wasabi which you add or not to your desire. When you're done eating the soba, the staff will bring to your table soba-yu which you add to the leftover broth to dilute its salty content and drink it as an after meal tea. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of Mikako's meal as she was already eaten half of it before I gave any thought to it.
Bon Appetit!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Walk around Shibamata / 柴又の散歩
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Moyai Statue returns to Shibuya / モヤイ象が渋谷に戻った
Monday, December 21, 2009
Night Sky in Tokyo on Saturday / 土曜日の空
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Teddy's Bigger Burgers
さーて、また新しいバーガー屋が日本上陸。クアアイナにつづき、またハワイからの店が原宿に出店しました。店の名前は「Teddy's Bigger Burgers」。チラシを見ると、六年連続ハワイで第一で選べる店と書いてあった。もちろん食べに行くしかないでしょう。店の特徴はバーガーのサイズですよ。ビッグ、ビガーとビゲストから選べられる。ビッグは140g、ビガーは200g、それで、ビゲストは255gです。他にモンスターとゆうサイズもある。それはダブルパティのこと。僕が注文したのはビガ‐のチーズバーガーセット。焼き加減を指定しない場合は全てミディアムで焼く。それにTeddy'sのオリジナルスーパーソース、レタス、トマト、とオニオンも柔らかいバンズに挟んでる。タベルにちゃんとケチャップとマスタードも置いてある。僕にとって、この店はヒットですね。今回は一人で行きました、いずれは美香子を連れてあげたい。
Teddy's Bigger Cheeseburger / Teddy's ビガーチーズバーガー
Bon Appetit!