今日、埼玉県、さいたま新都心にあるさいたまスーパーアリーナに行きました。目的は韓国アーティスト, レエン(ピ)のライブでした。美香子のバイト仲間が早めに行って、レインが会場に入る前に一目でみたいと言って、朝早く家を出ました。アリーナーに着いたのはまだ朝11時前でした。ライブは3時開場と4時開演。でも僕はそんなファンでもないし、曲もほとんど知らないので、別行動をとった。アリーナの隣にジョン・レノン ミュージアムがあって、そこに行ってみたかった。開店時間も11時だったので、ちょうど良いタイミング。残念ながら、館内に写真撮影は禁止されてるので、ロビにあったものしか撮れなかった。
Now to tell you what this museum is all about. From the pamphlet you receive before entering, it states: "The John Lennon Museum opened to the public on October 9, 2000, the 60th Anniversary of John Lennon's birth. Approved formally by Ms. Yoko Ono, it is the first museum of its kind anywhere in the world. The Museum was designed in the hopes of accurately passing on his life and his works to the 21st century, and consists of 9 zones (where nearly 130 John Lennon memorabilia from Yoko's treasured collection are on exhibit), the Museum Theater, and a space - known as the Final Room - where his messages are on display."
Zone 1: Childhood Memories - John's childhood is explained under 4 keywords - Birth, Separation, Talent, and Rebellion
Zone 2: Rock & Roll - The time when young Jouhn was playing rock'n'roll in Liverpool and Hamburg
Zone 3: The Beatles - John's success as a member of the Beatles and his inner changes and turmoil
Zone 4: Two Virgins - John's first meeting with Yoko, Yoko's childhood and her artwork
Zone 5: Love & Peace - John and Yoko's peace campaign, and later works by the Beatles
Zone 6: Imagine - John's solo works, centrally the world of "Imagine" song.
Zone 7: New York City - The time when John and Yoko moved to New York and joined in political activities
Zone 8: The Lost Weekend - The time when John split up with Yoko and lived in Los Angeles
Zone 9: Househusband - John's "househusband" era, and his comeback on the music scene
I found the museum to be quite interesting. It's like seeing John Lennon's life in 3D. You start off sitting in a small theater and watch a seven minute film introducing you to John Lennon. It took me over an hour to check out all the exhibits. However, the one that stopped me in my tracks was the next to the last room. There is one blank white wall and in the middle of the wall, is a small upraised date - 1980・12・08 I'm sure most of you know what this date commemorates - the death of John Lennon.
結構面白いと変わったミュージアムでした。まるでジョン・レノンの人生が3Dになった感じ。入館して、最初は7分のビデオを見せられます。展示品見るのが、一時間以上かかりました。でも一番感動したのは最後の部屋の前に入る白い壁。その真ん中に小さく飛び出してる感じの日付しか書かれてない。それは:1980・12・08 みんながこの日を表すことご存じでしょう‐ジョンがこの世を去った日です。
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