The end of the month means its film review time. Quite a bit of variety (as always). Starting off with the new movie version of the popular anime series "Neon Genesis Evangelion" followed by some premium action with Jason Statham. Then on to a serious side with an Italian film based on a true story. More action with a female version of "Zatoichi" and Stallone's return as John Rambo. An Academy Award winning classic, a Disney/Pixar film, action and adventure, as well as a live action version of a classic Japanese cartoon. Enjoy.
エヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:序 [Evangelion Shingekijo Ban: Jo] International English Title: [EVANGELION: 1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE] (2007) - 始めて観ました様、エヴァンゲリヲン。昔の元同僚がこのアニメシリーズをすすめした覚えはありますが、何だか借りる気にはなりませんでした。六月に「エヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破」がロードショーしたので、こちらの作品がテレビ初公開になった訳ですよ。観てる間に、美香子が何回も”面白い?”と聞きましたが、スタジオジブリ以外のアニメは興味ないと凄く分かる。自分はこうゆうガンダム系はそんなに興味ないですが、話題になってるので、つい観ちゃいました。エヴァンゲリヲンの初心者の僕にとって、訳分からない!近代の地球がなんかの生命体に襲われてるので、人間が操縦するエヴァンゲリヲンで地球を守るって感じかな?
Quite a few years ago, a former co-worker of mine recommended the animation series of this movie saying it was one of the greatest stories he ever watched. However, I never did get around to renting it and virtually forgot about it. With the release of a new theatrical version in June, which is part 2 of a scheduled four-part series, the first film was broadcast on network television. Being an "Evangelion" version, I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't familiar with the series either, but I gathered that in the near future, our earth is threatened by some alien force and to defend our planet, select teens are chosen to pilot these "Evangelions" - armored cyber-robots I guess, to fight against the invaders.
DEATH RACE 「デース・レース」(2007) - I wouldn't call this a re-make of "Death Race 2000" but rather a new and updated version of the old classic. Jason Statham replaces David Carradine as "Frankenstein" and Tyrese Gibson replaces Sylvester Stallone as "Machine Gun Joe". The race is now held within a prison's own course and the rules have changed as well. In the original film, the race was run on regular streets and drivers scored points by hitting pedestrians. In this new version, it’s a race to the death between inmates. If an inmate wins five races, he also wins his freedom. But the warden has the race set up so no racer would ever win the fifth race. And in both films, it’s all about the ratings - as the race is televised and the more people who watch means more money for the prison. But Statham's character was framed for the death of his wife and will fight back for his freedom at any cost.
ROSSO COME IL CIELO International English Title: [RED LIKE THE SKY] Japanese Title: 「ミルコの光」(2006) - This movie is based on the true story of a person named Mirco Mencacci, a gifted Italian sound editor. When Mirco was ten, while checking out his father’s rifle, an accident occurred in which Mirco was shot in the head. Although his life was saved, he had become blind. In 1970s Italy, the blind were considered majorly handicapped and were not allowed to attend regular school. Mirco is sent to a special school in Genoa where the authorities there also treat the blind as second class citizens. Mirco discovers an old tape recorder and discovers that he has a talent to create fairy tales just by using different sounds, much to the annoyance of the religious authorities who run the boarding school. Now this is the kind of film that deserves awards – it’s a heartwarming story about a boy who defies the odds and leads a normal life, although he is blind. Worth watching.
ICHI (2008) – “なに切ってるか分からない、目が見えないんだからさ!”と始まる綾瀬はるか主演の時代劇。でも他の「座頭市」の映画と比べたら駄目ですよ。市は目の不自由は当たり前が、この映画の市は女性です。最近綾瀬はるかにはまってるもんで、観るしかない。市ですから、もちろん刀使いの名人でもあり、旅しながら、三味線の演奏もやってる。戦うシーンは最高ですな。メインの敵は万鬼であの中村獅童が演じ。トマ役で大沢たかおも出てます。市が悪いやつらを片づけたが、村の人がトマがやったと勘違いして、村の用心棒になる。でもトマはある事件のせいで、それから刀を抜くことが出来ない。市が万鬼に捕まって、トマが助けに行く。
One thing you must not do, is compare this movie to other [Zatoichi] movies. In this film, Ichi is a woman, portrayed by Haruka Ayase (currently one of my favorite Japanese film actresses). Of course she’s blind, but she’s also an expert swordswoman as well as a gifted shamisen player. She is on constantly on the road searching for someone. When the ronin Toma tries to help her from a bunch of baddies, she takes care them herself. However, the townspeople think it was the ronin who did it, so the town wants him to become their yojinbo. However, Toma suffers from a mental handicap that he suffered as a child which prevents him from releasing his sword out of its scabbard. The big baddie, Banki, is played by Kabuki actor Shido Nakamura. Ichi fights with Banki and but loses, so it is Toma who must overcome his handicap to save Ichi.
THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON 「ベンジャミン・バトン」(2008) – Based on the short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I was wondering how Hollywood was going to expand the story, but I’m glad to say that they did a great job. The movie flows smoothly and was quite entertaining. Benjamin was born as an eighty-year old man who ages backwards. Starring Brad Pitt.
JOHN RAMBO Japanese Title: 「ランボー:最後の戦場」(2008) – Uh, okay. I read in an interview that Stallone wanted to bring the plight of the Karen people in Myanmar, who are still being oppressed by the Military Junta, to the public’s consciousness. Okay, this is good thing. But to use a Rambo movie? I think it only trivializes it. And those self-righteous, idiot NGOs should know better. But hey, it’s a Rambo movie. Lots of guns, explosions, and flying body parts? What else do ya need?
THE DEER HUNTER 「ディア・ハンター」(1978) – Winner of five academy awards, starring Robert De Niro, Christopher Walker, and Meryl Streep. Our local DVD rental store was having a campaign on award winning movies which they were renting for the cheap price of 100yen (about a $1.00). And having never seen this film myself, I thought it would be a great opportunity to do so now. Very intense. The movies starts with a group of hunting buddies who live in a small industrial town in Pennsylvania celebrating a wedding for one of their buds and is also a going away party as three of them were headed to serve our country in Vietnam. But the main story is how the war affects them once they come back from their tour. One comes back alive but has lost both legs and one arm, while another seems to suffer from amnesia and elects to stay behind in Vietnam. This is no Rambo film, that’s for sure.
WALL-E 「ウォーリー」(2008) – The latest film by Pixar. You can’t go wrong with a Pixar film. WALL-E is the only robot left on Earth, along with his companion, a cockroach, to clean up the planet while humans travel out to space. When WALL-E meets EVE, a probe robot which has been sent to Earth to see if there is any sign of life, WALL-E falls in love. But when EVE does find a living plant, it triggers her main directive which put her into hibernation mode to wait for a mother ship to come get her. It’s a space opera, yeah, that’s it!
ピクサーの最新作。 ピクサー映画で失敗作はないでしょ。
THE GUARDIAN Japanese Title: 「守護神」[SHUGOSHIN] (2006) - To put it in its most simple terms - it's an American version of the Japanese film "Sea Monkey". Or to put it so my American readers will understand - it’s the Coast Guard version of "An Officer and a Gentleman". It stars Kevin Costner as a legendary Coast Guard rescue worker who's saved more than 200 lives, but on one of his last missions, he loses his entire team. His CO offers him a job as an instructor at a Coast Guard school. Ashton Kutcher plays the new recruit with the big ego. And you can pretty much guess the rest.
QUANTUM OF SOLACE Japanese Title: 「慰めの報酬」[Nagusame no Houshu] (2008) - The latest in the Bond franchise with Daniel Craig once again in the lead role. Pretty much a follow-up to "Casino Royale" but since it's been a long time since I saw that flick, I couldn't tell you where the story continues from. Anyway, my huge Bond maniac friend gave this a total thumbs down and said it was one of the worst Bond movies he's seen. But he's a purist. I found it entertaining, as the action was never-ending and the traditional chase scenes were there as well. But not having Q and his gadgets in the flick make this a standard action movie. The Bond girls aren't that memorable either (apologies to the female fans but Ian Fleming's Bond was quite the ladies man). Oh, the story? Good ole U.S. will get in bed with anybody where there's oil involved. But big baddie wasn't making any claims on oil after all, they were trying to get a monopoly on some small country's water supply (the small country being Bolivia) as big baddies are also helping to start a coup so they can get big bad general as president and make fools of the U.S. and whatnot. And how is it that this global network of baddies as people everywhere - must suspend your beliefs to really enjoy the movie. But this being a Bond movie, bad guys lose (or die), Bond makes good, and the British government can hold their head up high for having such a quality good guy.
CLEANER Japanese Title: 「ザ・クリーナー:消された殺人」 (2007) - Samuel L. Jackson is a retired police officer who now runs a business cleaning up crime scenes. A job most people do not have the stomach for. On his latest assignment, he was hired to clean a residential home of a prominent politician. He accepts the job and doesn't give it any further thought. When he returns to his office, he realizes that he still has the key to the residence. When he goes to return it the next day, the politician’s wife answers the door and has no idea what Jackson is talking about. And then, the politician goes missing. But the missing politician had kept a ledger of all the policemen who have accepted bribes (and Jackson’s name happens to be in that book as well). He turns to his former partner, who’s still in the force for help. But as the mystery unfolds, Jackson finds himself getting into deeper and deeper trouble.
「元警官のトムの職業は、犯罪や事故現場の血痕などを取り除く特殊な清掃請負業。ある日、いつものように大邸宅の殺人現場の痕跡を完璧に除去するが、その清掃の依頼主は、なんと架空の人物だった。そして、邸宅の主・名士のジョン・ノーカットが行方不明と報道される。市警察汚職収賄事件を巡る陰謀の影がちらつくなか、ついにはトム自身が殺人の容疑をかけられる。真相を探る彼の前に暗い口を開けるのは、自らの警官時代の消し去れぬ過去‥。誰が殺したのか?そして、誰がトムをはめたのか?」 や~、映画って良いね。いろいろ観るべし。
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 [Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro] International English Title: [KITARO] (2007) – テレビで実写版の「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」シリーズ二日連続放送なので、今日は第一弾また観ちゃいました。実写でも面白いな、「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」!やっぱ田中麗奈が好きやねん。可愛い!
The two live-action versions of the [Kitaro] are being aired on network television in successive nights. I had to watch it again. I loved the anime but the live action movies are worth watching as well. And with Rena Tanaka in the movie as Neko Musume how can I not watch it?
So ends another month of Ern's Visual Victuals. I'm always open to suggestions and recommendations as well. I already have a few more DVDs that are just waiting for me to get around to watching them. A serious documentary, a mindless comedy, a Chinese epic, and a thriller. I hope my local DVD rental store features a half-price campaign again soon.
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