Friday, February 27, 2009

Belated New Year's Party / 遅れた新年会

In December I mentioned the Japanese tradition of bonenkai - a party to celebrate the end of the year. Japan has one other great tradition for people who love to drink and eat - it's the shinnenkai - or "Welcoming the New Year Party". January is usually the season for it, but my friends and I had ours in the middle of February - pretty late for celebrating the New Year but what the heck! We celebrated at a restaurant called "Marvelous" in Shibuya. And now to entertain with our course meal.


Ham Platter / ハムの盛り合わせ

Baby Octopus / イイダコ

Tossed Green Salad / グリーンサラダ

Seafood Pasta / シーフッドパスタ

Grilled Beef / 牛のロース

Sausage Platter / ソーセージ盛り合わせ

Chocolate & Cheesecake with Caramel Sauce / チョコレートとチーズケーキとキャラメルソース

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