Did I mention that I love summers in Tokyo (except for the heat and humidity!)? Why? Because I love the neighborhood festivals that are held all over the place. Last Sunday, it was the Shoin Jinja Market Street - a 10 to 15 minute walk from our apartment. The festivities started at one in the afternoon. Once again, we went with our friend Mari-chan and her almost three year old son Shoei. We were later joined by our friend Aki and her daughter Rino-chan. Their significant others were at another drinking engagement. As to why do I like these festivals - the food of course! And a beer or two. Along with scooping for goldfish and superballs for the kiddies. Today's featured goodies are stir-fried noodles, octopus on a stick, scallops on a stick, chicken nuggets, chicken skewers, corn on the cob,
okonomiyaki (Japanese-style pancakes), and
isobe-yaki (grilled rice cake wrapped with seaweed). And a couple of items from a shop called Saboten - rice balls filled with fried pork cutlets or deep-fried prawns, and some cheese-filled croquettes. Mikako and Shoei enjoyed some ice cream as well.
Shoei with his bag of goldfish (which Mari-chan actually scooped) and a free balloon (which popped unexpectedly!)

Cheers! / 乾杯

Beer and corn - what a combination / ビールとともろこし‐良いコラボだ。
Now for a parade of the rest of the food:
Festival standard - yakisoba / 祭りの定番‐焼きそば

A cup full of chicken-skewers / 焼き鳥

Octopus stick / 串にささったたこ焼き

Okonomiyaki (Japanese style pancake) / お好み焼き(結構翔民的な味がした)

Scallop skewers / ホタテの串焼き

Chicken nuggets / チキンナゲッツ

Isobe yaki (rice cake wrapped with seaweed) / 磯辺焼き

Snack foods from Saboten (rice balls with fried pork cutlets and fried prawns) and cheese-filled croquettes.

Rino-chan gets bigger every time we see her.

Kids love their ice cream (so does Mikako by the way)
Sorry, no video clips this time around. I did take some but they didn't turn out as well as I hoped they would. We then went to Mari's place and continued to eat and drink until late in the evening (actually, the others did - I spent most of the time playing with Shoei). It was a great day!
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