Friday, August 8, 2008

Nakazato Market Street Festival / 中里商店街祭り

First, a short video clip of the market street festival atmosphere.


Yep, a lot busier than our recent neighborhood festival. And there were more things for kids to do and a larger stage for a variety of performers. In fact, my wife works along this street at the neighborhood 7-11. This is also near our friend 21Ban's house (and yes, that is a nickname of course).


And we all know that street festival means street food and beer!




And lets not forget the kids.  子供も忘れずに。

And now the food.  次は食べ物

A must eat item at any Japanese festival.


Fried fish on a stick. Mikako ate the best parts and left the rest for me - it was bitter and awful!


This was being sold as a ham steak but no matter how you look at it, it's Spam-on-a-Stick! I had to eat it!


There's also an Indian restaurant along this street, so we had to eat some Indian food as well.


And we washed down the Indian food with Indian beer.


We were at the festival for no more than a half-hour. We then went on a little food and beer buying spree and had an impromptu house party at 21Ban's, but I'll leave that for another post (along with more pictures of Rino-chan).

祭りに居た時間は30分程度で、そのあと、21番の家に行って、ハウスパーティーになった感じです。でもそれはまた別ポストで話しますね (梨乃ちゃんの最新写真もアップします。)

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