It's my favorite time of year in Japan. The summer is filled with festivals. And every year for the past ten years I've been going to the Azabu Juban Festival. The main event for me and my friends is the International Bazaar where you can travel around the world in just a few eating the cuisines of about 30 different countries. With the crowds getting ever larger every year, I have come up with a motto for me and my friends - "Eat! Drink! and Leave!". Eat as many different cuisines as you can, down it with a beer or two (or some mango juice, etc.), and then leave before the area gets even more crowded. The festival is held for three days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), and starts at 3:00pm and lasts until 9:00pm. I was meeting my friends on Sunday at 2:15pm and as Mikako and I arrived a little early, we started off by eating a couple of items from the Japanese food-stalls. We started off with a jumbo pork skewer, followed by some large tako-yaki (octopus snack, filled with a whole little octopus) with our friend Uchi which I enjoyed with my Orion Beer from Okinawa.

And now for the variety of food:

Swedish meatballs with cranberry sauce / スウェーデンのミートボール

Tunisian brique / チュニジアのブリック

Tunisian couscous / チュニジアのクスクス
Laotian curry / ラオスのカレー
Italian rice croquette / イタリアのライスコロッケ
Too many picture for one post - to be continued...
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