Inside Tokyo Station, my brother will be happy to know there is still an Ultraman shop. There is also shops for the popular television networks where you can buy character goods from the different shows. There is a store selling Studio Ghibli products. There is the Tomika store which specializes in mini cars. There was also an Avex label store (popular label for J-Pop artists) where they had outfits of the different artists on display (but taking pictures of the outfits wasn't allowed.)
Inside the Shin Marunouchi Building are shops, shops, and more shops, from the basement to the 6th floor. The floors above that are office space. The dessert shops looked pretty enticing as well as the bread buffet shop. Floors 6 and 7 are full of restaurants. The picture of the spareribs on a menu for a restaurant called "So Tired" looked so appetizing we decided to give it a taste. Unfortunately, the restaurant was only serving items off of their lunch menu and the spare ribs weren't on it. So instead, we split a pepper steak and some shouronpou (Chinese dumpling-like dish).
新丸ビルの中は店がいっぱいです。地下1階から6階まで。その上はオフィスになります。近1階から4階はショッピングゾーン。5階と6階はレストランゾーン。「So Tired」とゆう店のメニューのスペアリブが美味しそうに見えたので、その店に入りました。でもランチメニューのみでスペアリブは載ってませんでした。とりあず美香子と二人でペッパステーキ一つと小籠包を食べました。
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