Monday, March 29, 2010

Nong Shim Korean Kimchee Ramen / Nong Shim 韓国キムチラーメン

As we were out walking, we dropped in at a Don Quixote store (there like the Target of Japan) and found a couple of Korean cup noodles. For lunch the other day, I decided to try the Korean Kimchee ramen.


Not as spicy as thought it was going to be, but still, not bad.


Bon Appetit!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day Trip to Yamato & Enoshima (Part 2) / 大和市と江の島日帰り旅行 (パート2)

Continuing with our day trip to Enoshima.


The gate at the top of the stairs leading to Enoshima Shrine.


Enoshima Jinja / 江島神社

Shrine to Benzaiten / 弁天様の神社

More Dragons / またも龍が居た

Another view from the top of the island / 島の上からの眺め

View of Enoshima Marina / 江の島の港

Torii to Kodama Jinja / 児玉神社につづく鳥居

Kodama Jinja / 児玉神社

Walking back towards the entrance of the island, we had to enjoy some more snacks. We had some grilled clam skewers, takoyaki sauce flavored senbei, and mitarashi dango.


Leaving Enoshima / 江の島をあとにした時

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day Trip to Yamato & Enoshima (Part 1) / 大和市と江の島の日帰り旅行 (パート1)

A couple of weeks ago, Mikako and I headed out to Yamato in Kanagawa Prefecture. We went to check out a co-worker's photo exhibition. Afterwards, we thought we would walk around Yamato, but not finding anything of interest, we then continued on to Enoshima.


Yamato City Sakuragaoka Learning Center / 大和市桜ケ丘学習センター

Photo Exhibition / 写真展

This building was the only place of interest we found in Yamato. It is a pizza joint that won some award for the pizza making. Unfortunately, we had eaten lunch before checking out the photo exhibition so we did not try their pizza. So we headed back to the station and went to Enoshima.


This is the Katase Enoshima station on the Odakyu Line.


Walking towards Enoshima and checking out a line of boats.


Art piece on the bridge to Enoshima - [Kumo no Katachi] - which translates to [Shape of a Cloud]


Walking to Enoshima which you can see in the background.


Getting closer / 江の島に近付いてる。

Eboshi Iwa which is featured in a song by popular Japanese artist Southern All Stars. The official name is Ubajima.


On the island of Enoshima. The main entrance where you can see the [Seido no Torii], the gateway to Enoshima Shrine built in 1821. Before heading up the stairs to the shrine, we had to enjoy the various snacks for sale along this main pathway.


First we had some sweet potato ice cream.


Then some nure okaki (soft rice cracker on a stick)


And a rice cracker wrapped with wasabi flavored seaweed.


Stairway to Enoshima Shrine / 江の島神社の続く階段

Cool dragon / 龍がカッコイイ

Looking back from where we walked / 歩いたところを振り返って見る

To be continued...


Tendon Tenya / 天丼 てんや

Here's something you won't find a lot of in the States, a fast food tempura bowl restaurant. This is a chain shop called [Tenya]. It's cheap, delicious, and filling.

これはアメリカでそんなにないと思う、ファストフードの天丼の店。これはチェイン店の「天丼 てんや」です。安い、美味しい、お腹いっぱいになる。

The tempura bowl is also served with miso soup.


Bon Appetit!


Monday, March 22, 2010

A Walk around Ebisu (Part 3) / 恵比寿の散歩 (パート3)

This is the last post about Ebisu Garden Place. There is one other main building in this area. That would be the offices of the Sapporo Brewering Company which also houses the "Museum of Yebisu Beer". Me not go to a museum dedicated to beer? Of course I went. In fact, this is my second trip to the place. The last time I went was almost ten years ago.


Sapporo Brewering Co. Office / 札幌ビール株式会社

Sapporo Beer Office exterior / 札幌株式会社の外

Museum of Yebisu Beer / エビスビール記念館

As this is a museum and not a brewery tour, its nothing to write home about. However, it is free. But what draws most people here is the tasting room.


Unlike a brewery tour, the tasting room costs a bit. It's 400yen per glass. Hm, seems the price when up since the last time I came here. I remembered it was 200yen (but that was ten or so years ago).


Yebisu Coin / エビスコイン

There were four different kinds of beer to choose from - a lager, a dark, a red, and a creamy top stout. I chose the creamy top.


Creamy Top Stout / クリーミートップスタウト

Only had the one beer, then headed home but not before checking out the man who was the first boss of the Yebisu Beer plant.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Walk around Ebisu (Part 2) / 恵比寿の散歩 (パート2)

More views from around Ebisu Garden Place.


Le Fruit (Antoine Bourdelle, 1911)

果実 (アントーヌ・ブールデル、1911)

Genie du Repos Eternel (Auguste Rodin, 1898)

永遠なる休息の精 (オーギュスト・ロダン、1898)

Entrance to Joel Robuchon's restaurant / ジョエル・ロブションのレストラン入り口

More art.


Westin Hotel, Ebisu


Ebisu Shrine / 恵比寿神社

Old geezers who had something to do with the Sapporo Brewering Company


To be continued...
