Sonikohgen Beer - Altbier
曽爾高原ビール ‐ ケルシュ
43 more Prefectures to go.
Life and Living in Tokyo, Japan
Sonikohgen Beer - Altbier
Matsushima Beer (Helles) / 松島ビール (ヘレス)
Only 44 more Prefectures to go...
Belgium may be famous for the trappist beers made by monks, but here in Japan, you can also find beers made by temples. This is a lager from Osorezan, a temple famous for their itako - blind women who help people speak to the dead.
Chateau Beer made my Chateau Kamiya in Hachinohe.
And finally, here we have Tsugaru Path Beer brewed from Minami Tsugaru's waters. A draft beer that taste similar to a lot of ales.
I'm sure there are other craft beers from Aomori Prefecture, but these are the ones I've bought and actually drank. Off to another Prefecture!
青森県で他の地ビールもあると思いますが、僕が紹介した物は自分で買って、実際飲んだ物だけを紹介してます。 さて、次の都道府県へ出発!
More Green Curry / またもグリーンカレー
Thai Style Gyoza? (Kuay Chai?)/ タイ風の餃子?
Thai Pastries / タイスイーツ
Shrimp and Chicken Dumplings / 海老の鳥つくね
Rambustan / ランビュスタン
Aside from food, my friend bought himself a jersey featuring Muay Thai.
Beer number what? 何本目のビールかな?Thai Noodles / タイ風ラーメン
And back to more food.
また料理に戻る。Squid Skewers / いかげその串焼き
Pineapple Fried Rice / パインアップル炒飯
Sticky Rice cooked in Bamboo with Coconut Milk and Sweet Beans
Thai Sausage / タイソーセージ
Crisp Egg and Mussel Pancake (Hoy Taud) / たまごとムール貝
Phat Grapao? / パットグラパオ?
Larb Muu? / ラーブムー?
And even more Thai Noodles / またしてもタイ風麺だ
And more... / ラーメンがつづく。。。
Thai Spring Rolls / タイ風春巻き
And finally, these years participants.